Nov 9, 2020 Aspen Group, Inc. Announces Q2 FY’2021 Quarterly Enrollments Increased 20% to a Record 2,659 New Students; Quarterly Bookings Grew by 34% to $42.1 Million
Sep 14, 2020 Aspen Group Reports Acceleration of Revenue Growth to 46% and Record Revenue of $15.2 Million for First Quarter Fiscal Year 2021
Sep 14, 2020 Aspen Group, Inc. Announces Auto Conversion of $10 Million Convertible Notes Reducing Debt Balance to Zero
Aug 27, 2020 Aspen University Receives Final State Regulatory Approvals for New Pre-Licensure BSN Campuses in Texas and Florida
Aug 10, 2020 Aspen Group, Inc. Announces Q1 FY’2021 Quarterly Enrollments Increased 32% Sequentially to a Record 2,351 New Students; Quarterly Bookings Grew 39% Sequentially to $36.1 Million
Jul 7, 2020 Aspen Group Fiscal Year 2020 Revenue Grows by 44% or $15 million with 77% of the Revenue Growth or $11.5 Million Delivered to Gross Profit
Jul 7, 2020 Aspen Group, Inc. Announces a Clinical Affiliation Partnership with American-Advanced Practice Network to Provide Telehealth Clinical Access for USU MSN-FNP Students